viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Haven't we got a role in climate change?

"You are destroying our future"

It seems it is always someone else, but is
everybody's responsibility.

Isn't it surrealistic that politicians have to be forced to take measures to save the world from destruction?  Isn’t it their own world?  Haven’t they got children or grandchildren who will live in the world 50 years from now?

All the governing forces – investors and shareholders control governments clearly – are obsessed with ever-growing markets and more profits at any cost.  Have they got a secret plan to save their descendants’ lives and their own when the planet becomes a place where life is impossible?

However, we cannot forget our individual role in all this process.  Will we use public transport instead of driving our own car to work?   Will we avoid buying things we will never use?  Are we willing to wear a sweater at home in winter and lower our heating by a couple of degrees?  Are we going to buy local products to avoid others that have to be brought from thousands or hundreds of kilometers?  

Our own individual actions, which make our daily way of life, are our unimportant contributions to improve the situation of our planet which, if thousands of millions of people also contribute, will become a very important and significant achievement that can make a difference.

On the contrary, if we go on with our lifestyle, marches and demonstrations are a meaningless pose which will lead nowhere.  Well, yes, it will lead to an unlivable world.

Arturo Neira