martes, 6 de julio de 2021

1º D and E projects 2021

English is a tool that helps us to communicate with the world. In the third term the students of 1st BAC D and E used it to create amazing projects about different issues of their choice.

Dr. Mutka Panda

One example is what Antonio and Claudia from 1 st D did. They recorded a short video with the title The New Smile about the pandemic and the way it changed our lives. The video shows people with and without masks. They wanted to focus on how a mask distorts our perception of others and how different a smile is with or without a mask. As a soundtrack they read a beautiful poem about the ‘New Normal’ by Mukta Panda.

 Magazine frontpage.

1st E devoted their project to an online magazine. This format allowed everybody to talk about the topic they liked best with a sense of unity. We can find articles about Travels, Beauty, Sports, Spiderman, Books, Music, Arts, Television, Photography, Fashion, Psychology and Dance. I am sure you will find at least one you would like to read. They also put in practice their digital competence with some videos and video tutorials.
These two are just a representation of the hard work they did in these last three months. They also show that the best way to learn a language is using it, and better if you use it to express things you like. 

Well done!!!
The New Smile

A New Normal

Spring of 2020
Lives changed forever
The world truly as one humanity
Humbled to its knees
Yet united around one common goal
Pray, be present, protect, and preserve
Other priorities, other divides unimportant
Anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, sadness, grief
A myriad of emotions resonate
A humbling jarring reminder
Of who we are and what really matters
Our impermanence, our fragility
Our interdependence
All affected
No race, religion, gender, color or class
No discrimination
Only community
Only community
Committed to a CommonUnity
A new normal
A renewed respect for Mother Earth
A new respect for each other
A new hope
Of love, equality, care, gratitude and kindness
One united prayer
A better world
A new normal

~Mukta Panda

Marta Cuba ( Teacher )

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