miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

Graduation ceremony in Covid times with poem

Last 30 July, the students of Xunqueira 1 High School celebrated their graduation ceremony.  It was completely organised by the students, as the school and teachers decided not to participate, since the current situation would mean unacceptable responsibility in case of virus spread among participants. 


Actually, there were only 37 students.  Nevertheless, the ceremony was emotive.  First, student Lara Durán gave a really mature speech expressing her respect for all the fellow students and teachers who had not come to the ceremony, because everybody has their own problems, fears and views and we must be thoughtful towards them.  The speech ended with a touching “I got it”, dedicated to her father, who passed away last year. 

Then the representatives of the other groups spoke about their experiences at school, which expressed mostly their good memories and their love for the school, the teachers in general and staff – especial memory to Mar-, talking about their class fellows and recalling anecdotes.  Their words that conveyed gratitude and love for the school, the experience and teachers. 


I gave the last speech – as a teacher -, in which, apart from talking about the privilege of teaching the first bilingual section, I highlighted the fact that they had showed great stamina and maturity by successfully going through the difficult situation of the quarantine and such a long year till the ABAU test in July. I also recalled some memories from 3º ESO, when I met most of the students at the graduation, with whom I lived a really rewarding experience, and the trip to Dublin with some of them, which revealed the respect, affection and the feeling that they make things easy for us. 


As a father with three children in the working world for some years, I recommended them to make the most of the cultural and social opportunities the university life offers to improve their culture and social skills, as having a wonderful study report is not the only thing companies are looking for: being able to make decisions and a good team worker are qualities that are greatly valued.


The final part of my speech had a dreadful title:  An ode to failure, an awful title for a graduation, but I hope that, on the whole, it means just the opposite of what it could suggest.


Then there were the typical videos with music and photos.


Finally, I would like to comment on the Covid protocols.  It was perfectly organised outdoors for the ceremony, but I was really shocked when I saw the dinning tables, organised just as before the Covid.  Is it so difficult to have a bigger separation, especially when there is plenty of space? 


However, I must say that the attitude of the students and families was correct all through the ceremony and I had written my congratulations for that in advance, because I knew for sure they were going to behave that way.






An ode to failure


It’s failure, for a start, such an awful word

That in our country has an appalling fame,

It is like a stigma which you shouldn’t communicate,

For fear nobody will offer you work.


But just think it’s only my friends

The idea I often repeat in my lessons:

Learning usually happens after making plenty of mistakes,

As erring and solving your errors

Is the safest path not to make them again.


And in case you think it is easier said than done,

I’ll tell you that in my life outstanding failures I had some:

From failing a whole course at university

To being fired from my first job.


From the first I learned that calm and patience

Are fundamental and practical virtues.

That the strain to succeed is so exhausting

That can lead you to frustration.


From the second I discovered that some failures

Are a real blessing:

I got rid of a dreadful job

and studied to join public teaching,

which, after 38 years, allowed me to reach with illusion

This pleasant and cherished position.


We can think it is only good fortune,

And good luck is always necessary,

But when you go through several schools

And you enjoy being in all of them,

When you get on with your colleagues and mates,

If you are pleased with the students,

If you have no parents’ complaints

If you go to school with pleasure

And your work you are able to enjoy,

You will have to conclude

That from failure to failure

You have learned to fail,

Or maybe you now accept failure

As a natural part of your trail.


Oda o fracaso


É o fracaso, de entrada, palabra que soa terrible

E que neste país ten moi mala fama.

É case un estigma que non compre comunicar,

Non vaia ser que ninguén nos queira contratar.


Pero pensade, amigos, que non deixa de ser

O que na clase moitas veces repetín:

Nada se aprende sen meter a pata/ veces mil.

Xa que errando e solucionando os erros

É o xeito de non volvelos cometer.


E por se pensades que falar é máis fácil que facer

Direivos que na miña vida tiven sonoros fracasos:

Dende suspender un curso enteiro na universidade

Ata que me botaran do primeiro traballo.


Do primeiro aprendín que a calma e paciencia

Son virtudes prácticas e fundamentais.

Que o esforzo de non fracasar esgota moito,

E pódete levar ó fracaso.


Do segundo aprendín que hai fracasos

Que son unha bendición:

Libreime dun mal traballo, preparei unha oposición

O que tras 38 anos me permitiu chegar con ilusión

 Á situación na que estou.


Podemos pensar que é sorte, e algo disto sempre hai

Pero cando pasas por moitos sitios

E en todos ben che vai,

Se te levas ben cos compañeiros

Se cos alumnos te levas ben

Se non tes problemas cos pais

Se o instituto a gusto vas

E consegues do traballo desfrutar

Terás por fin que concluír

Que de fracaso en fracaso

Aprendiches a non fracasar

Ou máis ben a integrar o fracaso

Coma parte da vida normal.


Arturo Neira

martes, 4 de agosto de 2020

So long




Ann Varnedoe.          Elena Juíz                          Arturo Neira                 Emma Vail                                                                     

Four years ago, I was offered the chance to organize a bilingual section with Biology/Geology.  I have always liked challenges, especially if they mean trying new teaching methods, and my department colleagues granted me the privilege, so I spoke to Elena Juiz, the biology teacher with whom I shared the project, and started doing the ugliest part of it: bureaucracy.

First, I had to create the curriculum from scratch.  I had no idea what I must do, so I asked Elena for the 3rd of ESO Biology syllabus and then guessed that the only thing I had to do was modifying the methodology, everything else should be the basically the same.  Then I had to convince a group of over 12 students to take part in the project.  I cannot remember whether it was difficult, but I usually have to speak to 2nd of ESO students to encourage them to participate and convince them it is not that difficult and offers you learning chances that you will not have in a regular group. 

The experience was great-it has been for 4 years in the different generations-.  It took some talks to convince students that diversity of knowledge makes quality knowledge, even if you do not get such good grades in the beginning.  That is one of the most difficult tasks, convincing students that understanding something and being able to speak about it, getting information and making opinion about current issues, which is perhaps the best contribution of LOMCE – maybe some previous law – to education: equality, peace, environment, healthy habits, …, and, of course, the Science projects, whether related to the most technical part of Biology or Geology, such as presentations on the different systems of the human body, or related to geological issues, like volcanoes, earthquakes or tsunamis; or the end of year project, which was related to the subject, but with an approach for non-academic people and for fun.   

In 1st Bachillerato new people joined this group -it was no longer the bilingual section-, but the new way, a different way of teaching, which was already being carried out by other teachers in the department in different ways, continued.  We organized a big project around a literary work, Last of the Mohicans, which took nearly a term and produced a 60-page webbook which gives a clear idea of the colonization of America.  

In 2nd Bachillerato they had to make a speech on the social articles of the Spanish Constitution and its application in the real world, which produced some very good outcomes when the students analyzed how laws are applied in everyday reality.   

I feel really proud of the result and have always felt that it has been a privilege to teach these students; and I also want to pay tribute to Elena, who has been a brilliant and appreciated teacher and colleague and essential part of the project.   

I wish the best of luck to Elena, who is retiring, and the students who will hopefully be at university next year - at least most of them-.  It has been very rewarding to share these four years with you.  

Finally, it would not be fair not to mention Emma Vail and Ann Varnedoe, the two American Fulbright assistants who did a great job and earned everybody’s affection.  


feel really frustrated not having the usual good graduation photos                                           as the Covid effects left us without a normal graduation ceremony.  

Below I include links to some of the works created by the students.